Friday, January 2, 2015

OK. So now I have a blog...

I've been researching my family history for about 2 years now, and I've been waiting for the initial excitement to wear off. I guess since I'm now getting genealogy gifts for Christmas and abandoning my family to visit cemeteries and libraries, it's official. I am officially a genealogy addict hobbyist.

Every so often in my research I have come across tidbits that seemed worth sharing, but the odd emails to my parents and correspondence with an Aunt of mine who has blazed a genealogy trail ahead of me just don't seem like they're enough. I want something a little more permanent that I can refer back to, and share more easily with others who may be interested. I am not good at keeping up with journaling and it's hard enough trying to find time for genealogy research that I'm skeptical of my ability to maintain this. However, it seems like I have more and more I want to share, and feel like I may be able to help someone else with a useful Google hit if we're doing any common research. So now I have a blog.

Let's see what happens next...

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